(By Ryan Whitwam )
Every time a hot new piece of electronic wizardry comes out, there are people who want to get it for free. That leads to some unfortunate shenanigans, which often leave innocent bystanders stuck holding the bag, or bag of rocks in this case. Igor Baksht bought a GTA V PlayStation 4 bundle from a Denver-area Walmart only to find he had walked out of the store with two bags of rocks. You can probably guess what happened next.
The box had all the cardboard packaging inside to retain the correct shape, but in the space where the console should be, there were rocks. The two bags of pebbles were cleverly duct-taped together to keep them from shifting around. Baksht attempted to return the bags of rocks at two different stores, which did not go well. The Store said there was nothing that could be done in that situation.
Baksht notes that he was told when purchasing the console that the item had previously been returned. The clerk also mentioned that it felt unusually heavy. Yes, Baksht should have probably checked the box while still inside the store, but hindsight is 20/20 as they say.
Basically, someone bought a PS4 in the previous week or so, then returned two bags of rocks. Apparently no one at the store thought to check. Alternatively, it was an inside job.
After repeated attempts to get the console replaced, Baksht was finally contacted by the store manager on Christmas Eve (several days after the original purchase). The store allowed him to return the rocks and get his money back. It’s a happy ending, but also a cautionary tale. Check suspiciously heavy returned electronics before buying them.