Until access to the Internet became a standard feature we all expect on a home console, playing 2-player in a fighting game meant going to visit a friend or visiting an arcade. But now we can fight each other online from the comfort of our homes, and Bandai Namco Games has realized that allows them to fix an issue you may have never thought solvable.
So what is that issue? Deciding which side of the screen to play on. Until now it has been typical for player one to be default to the left side of the screen, meaning player two is on the right. That can count as a disadvantage if you’ve done the majority of your fighting/training being on the left (or vice versa)–all those combos you learned and have in muscle memory are reversed.
For Tekken 7, Bandai Namco Games is attempting to remove the problem by allowing both players to fight on their preferred side, even if they end up being the same side. The feature wasconfirmed on Twitter by Tekken 7 director Katsuhiro Harada. Initially the game will be an arcade experience and obviously won’t be available if a single screen is being used, but Japanese arcades have the option of dual screen machines, allowing for such a feature to work. It is a beta feature, though, so could still be scrapped.
When Tekken 7 comes to home consoles, the same feature could and should make it into the online multiplayer mode. Again, it won’t be available if you have a friend round and play together on the same TV, but that happens a lot less now than logging in a playing online.
Depending on how well it works in practice and how players respond to it, we could see the same feature spread to other fighting game series in the future. And if you only ever play fighting games online, you’ll only be aware of the feature by the game offering you the choice of which side to fight on every match.
Credits :Geek.com